Atlanta: Past, Present, and Future

Vertical Farming

Vertical Farming is a farming technique where plants are grown in high rises ans skyscrapers. With enough vertical farms a city will become more self efficient when it comes to food. There will no longer be a need to use transport trucks and planes to import plants. The only problem is that it cost 80 to 100 million dollars to build one vertical farm ,not including supplying the seeds, water, and electricity. It would be cost effective in the long run, but not immediately. One vertical farm that occupies one square block of a city and is 30 stories tall will produce enough food for 10,000 people (, 2011).


Coal plants harm the environment when producing electricity. There are many other ways to produce electricity without as many harmful effects on the atmosphere. Because one energy type alone can't substain a whole city, many energy types must be used. Hydro Power uses dams to convert water power into electricity. Dams displace fish, but because all lakes in Georgia are man made, displacement is less of a issue. This type of energy is renewable, clean,  and is already being used in Georgia.
Nuclear energy uses power plants powered by uranium to produce electricity. This type of energy is very productive, clean, but is also radioactive. If a plant had a meltdown, the land would be uninhabitable for decades. A simple solution is build the plants away from people.  This way you get the productive benefits without the three-legged people.
Solar energy is one of the better known renewable and clean energies. Solar panels adsorb energy from the sun to make electricity. One solar panel produces 10 KW of electricity on a sunny day. In order to get a lot of energy from solar panels, you need solar panel fields. There is a solar panel that is attached to windows so the window acts as a solar panel. They are the least productive solar panel on the market but they are still productive. Heavy duty solar panels can be attached to the top of sky scrapers to produce a substantial amount of energy. This would be done to make sky scrapers more self efficient.  Energy cost about 5 to 7 dollars per kilowatt.