Atlanta: Past, Present, and Future

Electric Cars

  • powered by an electric motor instead of a gasoline engine (, 2011)
  • The electric motor acts as a generator (, 2011)
  • Battery technology is improving so you can drive longer and it's cheaper and faster to recharge (, 2011)
  • No oil changes or trips to the gas station (, 2011)
  • No emission checks (, 2011)
  • 330 kilowatt hours of energy is used in a ten gallon tank of gas. It takes 9 days to put that amount of energy into an electric car but only 8 hours of recharging will propel it the same distance. (, 2011)
  • Fast and silent 0-60 acceleration times (, 2011)
  • China has a BYD E6 all-electric crossover (, 2011)
-range: 200-250 miles
-five passenger car
-0-60 time of less than ten seconds
-top speed: 100mph
-fully charged in ten hours by plugging into a standard household outlet
-ten minutes to charge 50%
-15 minutes to charge 80%
BYD E6 (, 2011)

Hybrid Cars

(, 2011)
  • Any vehicle that combines two or more sources of power that can directly or indirectly power a car is a hybrid (, 2011)
  •  gives you 20 or 30 more miles per gallon than the standard automobile (, 2011)
  • has benefits of gas cars like easy refueling and a large range and benefits of electric cars like little pollution (, 2011)
  • the gasoline engine is smaller than normal gas powered cars and more efficient (, 2011)
  • uses advanced technologies to reduce emissions (, 2011)
  • The electric motor can draw energy when accelerating but can act as a generator when brakes are applied (, 2011)

Gas Cars

(, 2011)
    Cities have become islands of toxic chemicals from the unrestrained use of vehicles burning fossil fuels. On TV you see gas guzzlers in a car chase and on commercials you see these cars in the woods, but in real life these cars are stuck in traffic giving off harmful toxins.  US emissions increased to 7 billion tones of CO2 in 2004, 16% higher than emissions in the late 90's. Today's popular cars are not efficient and we need to make a change (, 2011).

(, 2011)
(, 2011)
Government can encourage using cars less by:
  • Increase Public Transit (Alters, Energy Supplies, Sustainability pg 19-119, 2007).
  • Separate commercial and private traffic to increase efficient use of roads (Alters, Energy Supplies, Sustainability pg 19-119, 2007).
  • Encourage people to buy more fuel efficient cars (Alters, Energy Supplies, Sustainability pg 19-119, 2007).
  • In cities, build more walking paths, bicycle routes and roads for small electric vehicles (Alters, Energy Supplies, Sustainability pg 19-119, 2007).
  • tax people who drive on the interstate with cars with bad mileage (Alters, Energy Supplies, Sustainability pg 19-119, 2007).
  • Reward car-pools and car-sharing plans (Alters, Energy Supplies, Sustainability pg 19-119, 2007).
  • Road Tolls and increased gasoline and vehicle registration taxes (Alters, Energy Supplies, Sustainability pg 19-119, 2007).
  • Base car license fees on fuel consumption in the previous year (Alters, Energy Supplies, Sustainability pg 19-119, 2007).
  • tax high fuel consumption individuals (Alters, Energy Supplies, Sustainability pg 19-119, 2007).
  • Provide generous development grants and tax incentives for all non-polluting transportation alternatives
    (, 2011)